
May 14, 2010

Say hello to bronchitis

Hi all, It's been a while since my last post. I hope you guys haven't forgotten me. Not long ago, I was diagnosed with bronchitis by my personal physician (Very very personal:P). So, now I wanna  share a little about what is and how the treatment for bronchitis. Enjoy:)

Bronchitis Causes

Bronchitis occurs most often during the cold and flu season, usually coupled with an upper respiratory infection.
  • Several viruses cause bronchitis, including influenza A and B, commonly referred to as "the flu."
  • A number of bacteria are also known to cause bronchitis, such as Mycoplasma pneumoniae, which causes so-called walking pneumonia.
  • Bronchitis also can occur when you inhale irritating fumes or dusts. Chemical solvents and smoke, including tobacco smoke, have been linked to acute bronchitis.
  • People at increased risk both of getting bronchitis and of having more severe symptoms include the elderly, those with weakened immune systems, smokers, and anyone with repeated exposure to lung irritants.

Bronchitis Symptoms

Acute bronchitis most commonly occurs after an upper respiratory infection such as the common cold or a sinus infection. You may see symptoms such as fever with chills, muscle aches, nasal congestion, and sore throat.
  • Cough is a common symptom of bronchitis. The cough may be dry or may produce phlegm. Significant phlegm production suggests that the lower respiratory tract and the lung itself may be infected, and you may have pneumonia.
  • The cough may last for more than two weeks. Continued forceful coughing may make your chest and abdominal muscles sore. Coughing can be severe enough at times to injure the chest wall or even cause you to pass out.
  • Wheezing may occur because of the inflammation of the airways. This may leave you short of breath.

Bronchitis Treatment

Self-Care at Home

  • By far, the majority of cases of bronchitis stem from viral infections. This means that most cases of bronchitis are short-term and require nothing more than treatment of symptoms to relieve discomfort.

  • Antibiotics will not cure a viral illness.

    • Experts in in the field of infectious disease have been warning for years that overuse of antibiotics is allowing many bacteria to become resistant to the antibiotics available.

    • Doctors often prescribe antibiotics because they feel pressured by people's expectations to receive them. This expectation has been fueled by both misinformation in the media and marketing by drug companies. Don't expect to receive a prescription for an antibiotic if your infection is caused by a virus.

  • Acetaminophen, aspirin, or ibuprofen  will help with fever and muscle aches.

  • Drinking fluids is very important because fever causes the body to lose fluid faster. Lung secretions will be thinner and easier to clear when the patient is well hydrated.

  • A cool mist vaporizer or humidifier can help decrease bronchial irritation.

  • An over-the-counter cough suppressant may be helpful. Preparations with guaifenesin  will loosen secretions; dextromethorphan in most over the counter medications suppresses cough.

Medical Treatment

Treatment of bronchitis can differ depending on the suspected cause.
  • Medications to help suppress the cough or loosen and clear secretions may be helpful. If the patient has severe coughing spells they cannot control, see the doctor for prescription strength cough suppressants. In some cases only these stronger cough suppressants can stop a vicious cycle of coughing leading to more irritation of the bronchial tubes, which in turn causes more coughing.
  • Bronchodilator inhalers will help open airways and decrease wheezing. 
  • Though antibiotics play a limited role in treating bronchitis, they become necessary in some situations.
    In particular, if the doctor suspects a bacterial infection, antibiotics will be prescribed. People with chronic lung problems also usually are treated with antibiotics.
  • In rare cases, the patient may be hospitalized if they experience breathing difficulty that doesn't respond to treatment. This usually occurs because of a complication of bronchitis, not bronchitis itself.


  • Don't smoke.
  • Don't allow others to smoke in your home.
  • Stay away from or reduce your time around things that irritate your nose, throat, and lungs, such as dust or pets.
  • If you catch a cold, get plenty of rest.
  • Take your medicine exactly the way your doctor instructs you.
  • Eat a healthy diet.
  • Wash your hands often.
  • Do not share food, cups, glasses, or eating utensils.

Ok guys, enough for today...:D i hope its usefull and say bye bye to bronchitis

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